Meditation & Karma Podcast

Experiencing Meditation Podcast Interview

 Ram Bhakt on The Spiritual Voice, Episode 0091


Many thanks to The Spiritual Voice Podcast for inviting me on. I hope that you find something useful in this conversation. The text below is from Pol Cousineau's notes.

Peace and Love,
Ram Bhakt
This is an interview with Ram Bhakt ( unloads the term ‘meditation’ and offers you a deeper understand of the nature of karma.

Simply put, meditation is anytime that keeps you outside your routine to reflect and connect. When you practice meditation, you turn on the most powerful parts of your brain.

meditation brain centers lbsoyThis helps you to make right choices and take actions that are in alignment with the direction of your destiny.

Unfortunately, a lot of people make decisions that they regret later because they are guided by passion, emotions or a lack of stability within their selves. Meditation provides you with a solution to these patterns, which will help you, avoid making choices that you will later regret.

Karma can be perceived as a non-linearly well form of perception. Karma itself is action or work. Our expert refers to the Sutras of Pantajali when unpacking this concept.

yoga sutras book coverUltimately, the only thing that is real is the present moment and your perception of it. Fortunately, meditation offers you a path to see clearly and refine your perception.

Ram offers you an alternative to reacting to the circumstances dictated by our choices. Karma is both something that is moving in time; yet, it is also non-existent as the spirit moves through lifetimes is unchanged. When you sit to meditate, you can include both concepts to go beyond the theory.

When you meditate, you can observe your reactions to your actions, and also realize that nothing has changed. That is why you need to understand that the witness or spirit is the same being that is within you.

Early stages of meditation will give you a tool to learn about yourself and improve your life. As you continue a practice, the objective often becomes a practice to commune with a higher dimension of your being and yourself.

Listen to the interview for advice on overcoming challenges towards a consistent meditation practice, learning about surrendering, appreciation and the environment for your spiritual practice.

Interview Links & Resources

Ram’s website:

Yogaville Marketing and Outreach workshop with Ram on May 30, 2017:


About Our Expertmeditation and yoga teacher ram bhakt

Ram Bhakt studied neurobiology at UC Berkeley. He was introduced to Integral Yoga at Yogaville Ashram in Virginia.At an Ayurvedic Yoga training course with Vedic practitioner Dr. David Frawley, Ram embraced the scholar as a role model that shared his worldview integrating his passion for psychology, medicine, music, and philosophy. Ram studied Ayurveda with Dr. Lal Krishnan and Dr. Sundar Raman in India.

He founded Long Beach School of Yoga which brings traditional teachings to those seeking it and to share the ancient wisdom that has helped him find physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Ram Bhakt is involved with building programs and educational outreach for community groups throughout Southern California by leading teacher training courses, workshops, retreats, Laughter Yoga and Kirtan.


Find out more about Ram's classes and his 200 Hour Intensive Yoga Teacher Training program at